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Defining Clientele & Reach

Civil Rights Compliance Instructions

  • 2024 Affirmative Action/Civil Rights Compliance Trainings

    • Improving All Reasonable Efforts and Engagement with Diverse Audiences – Aug. 13, 2024  
      Programmatic strategies to conduct All Reasonable Effort, how to demonstrate compliance through documentation, collecting and reporting race/ethnicity/gender using self-identification forms, strategies to successfully reach and engage diverse audiences to achieve parity. Links to
      training recordingGoogle Slides, and worksheet.


Resources for collecting race, ethnicity, and gender information from Extension participants for civil rights compliance

On March 29, 2024, the White House Office of Management and Budget published Revisions to OMB's Statistical Policy Directive (SPD) No. 15: Standards for Maintaining, Collecting, and Presenting Federal Data on Race and Ethnicity available on this federal register webpage.

Some UC ANR employees have expressed the desire to implement the revisions as soon as possible to UC ANR’s self-report race/ethnicity and gender (REG) forms. This is because the revisions are likely to result in a more intuitive and inclusive experience for program clientele completing the form.

This two-page document is UC ANR’s first attempt to align the revisions with existing systems and procedures. Federal agencies like USDA and University of California will likely offer additional guidance by September 2025, and as such these guidelines are subject to change.



Training examples and surveys templates you can use:


End of session survey: A very short post-event survey that measures outcomes, collects demographic information using open-ended race/ethnicity and gender questions, and solicits suggestions. Designed by Gerry Spinelli and approved for others to use.
Download PDF in English: San Diego Nursery and Floriculture Program Impact Evaluation
Download PDF in Spanish: Evaluación de impacto del Programa de Viveros y Floricultura de San Diego
Watch a training video about this survey and how to analyze REG data (12 min. 33 sec.)

Zoom poll: One academic suggests using Zoom polls in the beginning or middle of a meeting to collect race, ethnicity, and gender data from participants
Watch a
training video (9 min. 18 sec.)
Use this template to build your questions and script.

Qualtrics template: This template has also been created as a sample Qualtrics survey for collecting REG data and lives in the ANR Qualtrics templates library. This google doc includes instructions on how to create a Qualtrics survey using an ANR Template.


Baseline data available by county

UC ANR's Office of Diversity and Inclusion provides U.S. Census by county on their website (keyword search "Links to Baselines") that you may use. 


Engaging Communities in Our Work Training 2013
